Corgi matters

The Cradle of Songs

Oh man where do I even begin.

Short explanation? It's a worldbuilding project centered on culture and language. Not clear enough? Then brace yourself.

The Cradle of Songs is my main project, which I've poured a good portion of my life into. All of the things that I know about culture and language I've learned by working on this.

To me, it's much more than just worldbuilding. Rather, I feel like I've created a little universe. I think calling it a "project" falls short on what this actually is, too. So usually I say that CoS is a collection of projects. To keep track of stuff easier, I tend to subdivide it into the ones below, some of which I've cheekily named after song references.

On the Earth

Referencing this song by Yoko Kanno, this is where all of my earthlings (my sonas and characters related to them) live. Mind you, of course, me being a furry, these earthlings are not human, instead being anthro canines.

This part isn't as anchored on the cores of the Cradle of Songs (bar the few original cultures I've made for the small landmasses that don't actually exist in RL Earth), and as such I have to admit that this is the most minor sub-project. Most of what I've made for it are characters. That being said, I think it's a good place to start, because shit gets more and more complicated from here on out.

CoS Proper I: World

No, that's not a placeholder name. Yes, this part is literally just called "World." I wonder what the topic of this project is!

This part is centered around a planet (shocker!) called... World. Funny story, I actually just never really gave it a name and that just kinda stuck. If we want to be more specific, I guess you could call it by any of its names in its various languages. Mostly Estium (Callidian) or Thyd (Phyrean).

So, what's the deal with World? Well, it's kinda complicated, but to make a long story short, World is essentially the sequel to Earth. Spoilers for my inevitable future writing projects abound:

So, it's the 1950s AD, and the SDO (Search and Discovery Organisation), an interstellar research organ, has quietly found the Earth. Deeming it unready for a first contact of the third kind, they began watching it from a distance, waiting for the moment when they will be ready. However, around 2008 AD, a massive mars-sized object, similar to the one that created the tellurian moon, rapidly approached the Earth, destroying it on contact. As you might imagine, the SDO was distraught, not only for the death of an entire planet, but for the fact that they were powerless to stop it. So they decided to do something quite drastic: make a tribute to the dead Earth, in the form of a "sequel" emulating its natural creation.

How did they do this? First, they built a massive supercomputer the size of a moon and put it into orbit. This computer, called the "Moonbrain," would use its half-wetware-half-dryware core to "imagine" the evolution of the Earth, simulating both it and a portion of the universe around it. From the data gathered, they learned how culture developed on the dead planet, as well as how its species evolved, going as far as having a full blueprint for the theoretical Earth LUCA.

After this, they searched for a suitable system, with a planet with similar characteristics to those of a young Earth. This planet would then become World. They polished it a little with some minor terraforming and dropped the LUCA in its waters. And then, they waited.

More than 3 billion years passed. The project was a success. Many of the species of Earth had re-evolved in World, with a few exceptions, the most interesting of which was humans. They were instead replaced with a species descended from arboreal canids called the felds, and another peculiar species, the clúnydd: horned, non-cytotic mimics. If you want an explanation on this, you can consult the Telupedia article on erdotes, which is what they are. Short version: they're descended from a separate LUCA from another universe that the SDO used for fast travel.

CoS Proper II: Jule, Elm and Beyond

This is the second proper part of Cradle of Songs, along with World. It's centered around the two species that populate two separate habitable planets in the same star system. These are the elmians, who inhabit the outer habitable planet of Elm, and the juleans, who inhabit the inner planet Jule.


Jotunnheim (affectionately yoderheim) is a collaborative worldbuilding project I'm currently involved with. At its core it's a steampunky-dieselpunky-WWI-vibed history-centered project, although there's also a heavy emphasis on language and culture creation, with some minor spec bio stuff thrown in for good measure.

flag of the RSS

Currently, my main and only country is one located in the continent of Anschuhe, the Great Queendom of the Rising Shouting Sun, or RSS for short (excuse the barebones page, I swear I've done more than this).

The Copper War

The central conflict, which acts as the main theme of Jotunnheim, is the Copper War, also called the Great War. Not unlike our own Great War, it was the deadliest conflict in all of Jotunnheim history. It resulted from diplomatic and economic tensions, mostly caused by the increased demand for copper (thus the name) for use in the manufacturing and maintaining of heavy weaponry. Tanks, mechs, ships, airships, you name it. At the time, Tschintiessteiss (TSC for short) had a chokehold on the copper trade, being very rich in the material, and as such prevented any other major power, mainly Dhimrai, from gaining any share from it, which led to a long, bitter economic conflict that escalated into all out war in the year 4602 CY.

This conflict ended in 4607 CY, and is thus canonically already in the past. Nevertheless, its effects are still felt worldwide to the present day.